Oyster Point Halibut March 12 2022

Regular crew was at Death Valley. Invited Victor M and Sergei Si and we are back at Oyster Point Long story short we ended the day with 4 keepers. Nothing too big. Found some fish with everyone by the bird cage. Went back north to the crane. Almost no one was there. Asked one boat… Continue reading Oyster Point Halibut March 12 2022

Oyster Point Halibut March 6 2022

Could not go Saturday, regular crew was busy on Sunday. Invited Alex Sh and Sergei Si and off we go back to Oyster Point to troll for California Halibut. Weather was good then normal wind came up. Decent number of boats and kayaks. Not too successful day. We got one legal fish and 5-6 shakers.… Continue reading Oyster Point Halibut March 6 2022

Pescadero Rockfish and Wolf Eel September 5 2021

Лодку прогрели и поехали отдыхать на рокфиш. Погода была чудо. Лодка стартанула ОК. 12 миль на юг. 150 футов глубины. Рокфиш клевал как оторваный. Крючки не могли достать до дна. Один лингкод таки затесался. Решили почти ехать искать лингкода там, где помельче, но тут началось интересное. Сначала Алекс Д заловил халибута ака палтуса на 28… Continue reading Pescadero Rockfish and Wolf Eel September 5 2021