Clear Lake Catfish March 19 2022

This was the trip planned and scheduled for some time. Booked airbnb. Hoped that catfish will be more all less awake by then. This is still almost a month before official Clear Lake catfish Derby.

Arrived on the 18th. House was at the Clearlake Oaks area. Not too far from the lake itself. We were able to get the boat in to the house dock.

Weather went to bad on the 19th. I saw the weather forecast but did not think it would be that bad. Rain, cold, wind. Not a pleasant weather to take family fishing.

My dear wife and 7 years old battled the weather with me and we drifted for catfish. Ended up catching one before lunch and went home.

Sergei Si with his family was renting the house nearby. Invited him for round 2. We got 2 more around rattlesnake island. Weather did not quite let go. Funny how fishing gods laugh at us and make the weather challenging on the day we go fishing.

End result is 3 catfish. They were eaten with family and friends and some brought home.

Boat handled everything OK. Wish the weather was better.

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