South Bay Sturgeon Success February 12 2022

Last minute invitations and ended up with four of us on the boat. Alex K, Den, Alex O and I. With the high hopes 6:30 AM we go.

Expected three hours of incoming and outgoing till 2PM. I had to go to the birthday.

Ten minutes into it Alex K gets a bite and finally lands a 43 incher! Took him some time to catch it. He did it though! First sturgeon all done by himself. There was a picture on his Facebook. I do not have it.

Then it went dead for the rest of incoming, slack and the whole start of outgoing.

Things started moving a bit with bites looking like fish touches and drops the bait around 1PM.

Then I did not correctly set the hook on two decent bites.

Then I finally hooked one and gave the rod to Den to reel in the fish. Fish came close to the boat fast, did some sort of twist right near the boat and came unbuttoned!

Very very sad. May be I did not set the hook well enough. At least Den got a chance to fight the fish.

At the same time Yura got 6 bites from shore in 30 minutes time window. Hooked the first oversize 67 inches. Lost 3 fish on the next 3 bites. Got the last one 43 inched.

Interesting flurry of bites!

We ended up waiting till about 2:20. Ran out of bait. Went home.

There were two boats behind us. One of them said he got 2 and lost 4 on herring. Interesting. We did not have that many bites on our 4 rods.

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